AgeWise Psychotherapy

Meditation & Mindfulness
A diverse range of methods exists within the realm meditation, each designed to promote mental health and well-being. Based on my proficiency in body-mind-spirit practices, we will use various approaches, to expand your experiences of inner exploration and self-discovery. Mindfulness, centering, visualization, and contemplative practices are some of the tools we will engage to awaken to the calm love living within.
Movement Psychotherapy
Movement Therapy entails an exploration and expansion of your body-image resulting in a realistic and respectful self-concept as you age. The aging process requires acceptance as well as adaptation to the physical changes that occur naturally. During the process of aging, limitations in movement as well as physical discomfort may create a rejection of the body through distortion, suppression of sensations, denial of emotions and disowning of body parts. Our work will develop compassionate awareness and acceptance of your aging body through gentle, safe movement exploration integrating body, spirit and mind.
Psychodrama is a form of individual and group psychotherapy in which individuals engage in various action methods to explore feelings, situations, past trauma, and future dreams. Psychodrama re-awakens our inherent spontaneity and creativity to expand perspectives and deepen insights. Using sensation, gesture, sound, and movement, facets and resources of the Self that may have been blocked by trauma, fear, or depression will be uncovered, recovered, and re-integrated allowing a greater sense of self-knowledge and growth.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Emotionally intense events become "frozen" in one's mind because the brain cannot utilize processes to properly incorporate information that was encoded during traumatic incidents. Therefore the past is always present causing emotional anxiety and constriction. EMDR "melts" the tenacious grip of fear, allowing negative memories and images to become integrated. With successful EMDR treatment, clients come to understand that the event is in the past and no longer dictating present-day safety, behavior, mood or relationships. EMDR elicits the natural healing processes of mind and body.
Clinical Hypnosis is an experiential method that evokes an altered state of awareness to alleviate a psychological or physical problem. It is practiced by licensed, trained therapists with a minimum of a master’s degree. The therapeutic use of hypnosis induces a change in perception that allows access to the wisdom and creativity in the unconscious mind, body and spirit. I offer clinical hypnosis to assist clients in unlocking inner resources to overcome any obstacles limiting their growth, potential or freedom.